Vesting Schedule Guide

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Your stocks options, would probably follow a vesting schedule under which your stock or retirement plan would “mature” under order for you to exercise your choices. Here's what it means and how it can affect your financial planning. 

Many start-ups and businesses offer employees stock options or restricted stock stocks as part of employee compensation packages . However, you might not be able to exercise them instantly.

When a business offers you equity as part of your incentive package, they offer you partial ownership of the business. Typically your stock needs to vest first. However, that means that you usually need to work for the business for a period of time if you want to become an owner. 

What is Vesting?

Vesting is the method of earning an asset, whether stock options or employer-matched contributions to your 401(k) over time. Companies also use vesting to motivate you to remain longer and/or do well in the business so that the award can be received. 

Vesting is a preset schedule, by definition, that dictates when employees can take advantage of their stock options. For instance, you can not exercise those options if you obtain stock options on your grant date, until they are completely vested. Most vesting schedules are accompanied by a 3-5 year plan, though the arrangement can differ by employer. 

Employers use vesting schedules as an instrument to enable workers to remain with the company for longer periods of time. When 100% of your assets are invested, they are yours and can not be taken away from you for no cause. However, if you quit the firm before any stock is completely vested, you can forfeit some of your properties. 

You also don't get true stock shares with stock choices, like ISOs or NSOs. Instead, you get the right to exercise (buy) a set number of shares at a fixed price later on. Usually, over time, you have to earn your decisions, a process called vesting. And you can use only vested stock options (unless your business permits early exercise). 

On the other side, they will give you stock in the future if your company gives you RSUs. You're going to have to work at the company for a certain amount of time. In addition you or the company must sometimes meet a specified milestone in order for these shares to vest. But unlike stock options, you don't need to buy them, you just need to wait for them to dress up. 

What Are The Different Types?

Vesting conditions can apply to retirement accounts and stock options alike. There are three types of schedules for vesting, typically: 

Immediate vesting 

Immediate vesting schedules have no waiting period or time period for workers to maximize their benefits. You automatically have complete ownership of an asset. 

Graded Vesting

Graded vesting helps you to gain gradual ownership of the asset over time, which ultimately results in 100% ownership of the asset. For example, you could receive 25 percent during the first year, 25 percent during the second year, 25 percent during the third year, and 25 percent during the fourth year. By law, vesting schedules on retirement plans should not be longer than six years. 

Cliff Vesting

Cliff vesting offers a lump sum benefit for the employee at a defined date. For example, in a four-year cliff vesting schedule, you earn no portion of the gain until you hit four years of employment, where you assume 100% of the asset.

Vesting schedules can differ by company, both in terms of length and the percentage of shares vested every year. 

To simplify, we created a simple table to showcase the different vesting schedule. In the illustration we assumed that the employee is offered 1000 shares.

vesting schedule illustration


If you are given stock options which follow a vesting schedule, it is important to understand how and when you can take advantage of your advantage. Generally, you will not be allowed to take uninvested options with you if you want to leave the business early, which may have a serious effect on your financial planning. 

If you have earned stock options as part of your compensation, it's important to consider your company's vesting schedule.

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