Bitcoin Options – The Complete Guide

Home » Bitcoin Options – The Complete Guide

Bitcoin options trading is a significant aspect of the crypto ecosystem, allowing traders to leverage the price movements of Bitcoin using options contracts. To provide a comprehensive understanding, it's important to introduce Bitcoin as a crypto and explain the concept of options in the traditional financial context.

Bitcoin: A Brief Overview

Bitcoin, introduced in 2009 by an anonymous person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, is the first decentralized crypto. It operates on a peer-to-peer network, utilizing blockchain technology to enable secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries like banks. Bitcoin's value is determined by supply and demand dynamics in the market, making it subject to price fluctuations.

Options in the financial World

In traditional finance, options are financial derivatives that give traders the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) an underlying asset at a predetermined price within a specified timeframe. Options are commonly used for risk management, speculation, and hedging strategies. They offer flexibility to traders, allowing them to profit from both rising and falling prices of the underlying asset.

Bitcoin Options trading

Bitcoin options trading has gained significance within the crypto ecosystem as it offers traders the opportunity to profit from Bitcoin's price movements without needing to own the actual asset. Traders can use options to speculate on price direction, manage risk, and create more complex trading strategies. This type of trading is particularly appealing due to the high volatility observed in the crypto markets.

Platforms like Deribit, Bybit, and provide traders with the ability to engage in Bitcoin options trading. These platforms offer various features such as different strike prices, expiration dates, and leverage options. Traders can buy call options if they anticipate a price increase or put options if they expect a price decrease. The predetermined nature of options contracts allows traders to limit potential losses while benefiting from potential gains.

Bitcoin options trading is an essential component of the crypto landscape, enabling traders to leverage the price movements of Bitcoin using options contracts. This practice has emerged as an avenue for profit and risk management within the volatile crypto markets, mirroring the principles of options trading in the traditional financial world.

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Understanding Options

Options are financial derivatives that provide traders with the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) an underlying asset at a predetermined price (strike price) within a specified timeframe (expiration date). Options are commonly used in both traditional financial markets and the crypto ecosystem as tools for speculation, risk management, and hedging strategies.

Types of Options: Call and Put

  • Call Option: A call option gives the holder the right to buy the underlying asset at the strike price before the expiration date. Traders use call options when they anticipate the price of the underlying asset to increase. If the price rises above the strike price, the trader can exercise the option to buy at the lower strike price, thereby making a profit.
  • Put Option: A put option gives the holder the right to sell the underlying asset at the strike price before the expiration date. Traders use put options when they expect the price of the underlying asset to decrease. If the price falls below the strike price, the trader can exercise the option to sell at the higher strike price, profiting from the difference.

Expiry Date: Significance and impact

The expiration date is a crucial component of options trading. It determines the timeframe within which the option can be exercised. Once the expiration date is reached, the option becomes worthless, and the right to buy or sell at the strike price expires. Traders must carefully consider the expiration date when entering options positions, as the price of the underlying asset needs to move in the desired direction before the option expires to generate a profit.

Strike Price: Definition and role

The strike price, also known as the exercise price, is the pre-agreed price at which the underlying asset can be bought (in the case of a call option) or sold (in the case of a put option) if the option is exercised. It is a fixed price that remains constant throughout the option's lifespan. The strike price plays a crucial role in determining whether an option is profitable. For call options, the higher the current market price compared to the strike price, the more valuable the option becomes. Conversely, for put options, the lower the current market price compared to the strike price, the more valuable the option.

In summary, options are versatile financial instruments that allow traders to speculate on the price movements of underlying assets, such as Bitcoin. Call and put options provide traders with opportunities to profit from both bullish and bearish market trends. The expiration date and strike price are integral factors that influence the value and profitability of options contracts. By understanding these concepts, traders can navigate the world of options trading more effectively.

Basics of Bitcoin Options trading

When delving into the world of Bitcoin options trading, there are fundamental concepts to grasp, such as the premium, moneyness, intrinsic and extrinsic value. These elements play a pivotal role in understanding the dynamics of options trading.

Premium: Cost of buying an Option

The premium refers to the price that a trader pays to acquire an options contract. It's essentially the cost of buying the right to potentially buy or sell the underlying asset at a predetermined price. The premium is determined by several factors, including the current market price of the underlying asset, the strike price, the expiration date, market volatility, and overall demand for the option.

Moneyness: In the Money, Out of the Money, At the Money

Moneyness categorizes the relationship between the current market price of the underlying asset and the strike price of the option. 

  • In the Money (ITM): A call option is in the money when the market price of the underlying asset is higher than the strike price. A put option is in the money when the market price is lower than the strike price. ITM options generally have intrinsic value.
  • Out of the Money (OTM): A call option is out of the money when the market price is lower than the strike price. A put option is out of the money when the market price is higher than the strike price. OTM options typically have no intrinsic value.
  • At the Money (ATM): An option is at the money when the market price is approximately equal to the strike price. ATM options may have intrinsic value but generally have a higher extrinsic value.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic value: Components of Option price

  • Intrinsic value: This is the actual value that an option has if it were to be exercised immediately. For call options, the intrinsic value is the difference between the current market price and the strike price if it's positive (otherwise, it's zero). For put options, it's the difference between the strike price and the market price if it's positive.
  • Extrinsic value (Time Value): Also known as time value, extrinsic value represents the portion of the option's premium that is not intrinsic value. It's influenced by factors like time remaining until expiration, market volatility, and demand for the option. Extrinsic value diminishes as an option approaches its expiration date.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for successful Bitcoin options trading. The premium reflects the cost of participating in options markets, while moneyness categorizes the relationship between market and strike prices. The interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic value guides traders in evaluating the potential of their options positions.

Why trade Bitcoin Options?

Bitcoin options trading offers traders several compelling reasons to engage in this financial activity. These reasons include hedging against price volatility, speculating on price movements, and generating additional income through writing options.

Hedging: Protecting against adverse price movements

One of the primary motivations for trading Bitcoin options is hedging. Hedging involves using options to mitigate the potential losses from adverse price movements. For instance, if a trader owns Bitcoin and is concerned about a potential price decline, they can buy put options. If the price does indeed drop, the put options can offset the losses incurred on the owned Bitcoin, as the put options gain value in a falling market. In this way, traders can protect their investments from significant losses.

Speculation: Profiting from price fluctuations

Bitcoin's price is known for its volatility, and options provide a way for traders to profit from these price fluctuations without actually owning the crypto. For those who anticipate a bullish trend, call options can be purchased to potentially benefit from price increases. On the other hand, if a bearish trend is anticipated, put options can be acquired to profit from price decreases. This speculative approach allows traders to generate profits regardless of whether the market is moving up or down.

Income Generation: Writing Options

Traders can also generate additional income by writing (selling) options. When a trader writes an option, they create a contract that gives the option buyer the right to buy (call) or sell (put) at a specified price. In exchange for taking on this obligation, the writer receives a premium from the buyer. If the option is not exercised by the expiration date, the writer keeps the premium as profit. This strategy can be particularly attractive in markets with low volatility, as options premiums tend to be higher.

In conclusion, trading Bitcoin options offers a range of strategic advantages for traders. Hedging helps manage risk by protecting against adverse price movements, speculation allows for profits from market volatility without owning the underlying asset, and writing options can generate additional income through collecting premiums. These reasons collectively make Bitcoin options trading a versatile and appealing avenue for participants in the crypto markets.

Platforms for Bitcoin Options Trading

Several major platforms cater to Bitcoin options trading, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. Here are a few notable platforms, along with their pros and cons:


  • Pros: Deribit is one of the oldest and most well-established platforms for Bitcoin options trading. It offers a wide range of options contracts and has high liquidity, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced traders. The platform is known for its user-friendly interface and robust risk management features.
  •  Cons: Deribit primarily focuses on Bitcoin and Ethereum options, which may limit the variety of assets available for trading. Additionally, the platform requires users to create an account to access its trading features.


  •  Pros: Bybit is another popular platform that provides a range of crypto derivatives trading options, including Bitcoin options. It offers a straightforward user interface, responsive customer support, and a variety of trading tools. Bybit's platform is designed to provide a seamless trading experience for both retail and professional traders.
  •  Cons: While Bybit is user-friendly, it might not offer the same level of options contracts and variety as more specialized platforms like Deribit. Traders looking for a broader range of assets might need to consider other platforms as well.

When choosing a platform, consider factors such as your trading experience, the variety of assets you want to trade, the level of liquidity you require, and the fees associated with trading. Security features and customer support are also essential considerations to ensure a safe trading experience. It's recommended to thoroughly research each platform and potentially experiment with their demo accounts before committing to trading real funds.

Risks and challenges in Bitcoin Options Trading

Bitcoin options trading offers significant opportunities for profit, but it also comes with several risks and challenges that traders should be aware of:

  • Price volatility: Bitcoin is known for its extreme price volatility. While volatility can lead to substantial gains, it also presents the risk of significant losses. Sudden price swings can result in options positions losing value rapidly, especially if they are not managed effectively.
  • Liquidity voncerns: Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without causing a significant price change. Liquidity can vary across different options platforms and strike prices. Less liquid options may have wider bid-ask spreads, making it more costly to enter and exit positions.
  • Complexity: Options trading is inherently complex and involves a learning curve. Understanding concepts like strike prices, expiration dates, option premiums, and various trading strategies requires a solid understanding of financial markets. Novice traders may find it challenging to navigate these complexities effectively.
  • Leverage and losses: Many options contracts allow traders to use leverage, meaning they can control a larger position with a smaller upfront investment. While leverage can amplify profits, it also magnifies losses. Traders can potentially lose more than their initial investment when trading with leverage.
  •  Regulatory uncertainty: The regulatory landscape for Bitcoin options trading is still evolving in many jurisdictions. Regulatory changes could impact the legality, taxation, and trading conditions of Bitcoin options. Traders should stay informed about regulatory developments in their region and the platforms they use.
  • Market manipulation: As with any financial market, there is a potential risk of market manipulation. Traders should be cautious of sudden price movements that might be influenced by malicious actors seeking to exploit the market for their gain.
  • Execution and technology risks: Technical glitches, server outages, and connectivity issues can impact the execution of trades and the management of options positions. Traders should ensure they are using reliable platforms and have contingency plans for potential technical failures.
  • Overtrading and emotional bias: Options trading can be addictive, and some traders may engage in overtrading, leading to losses due to impulsive decisions. Emotional biases, such as fear and greed, can also impact decision-making and lead to suboptimal trading outcomes.

It's important for individuals considering Bitcoin options trading to have a clear understanding of these risks and to only invest capital they can afford to lose. Education, risk management, and discipline are key factors for success in this complex and dynamic market. Before engaging in options trading, it's recommended to research thoroughly, practice with demo accounts, and consider seeking advice from financial professionals if needed.

Strategies for Bitcoin Options Trading

Bitcoin options trading offers a variety of strategies that traders can employ to achieve different objectives based on their market outlook and risk tolerance. Here are some common strategies:

Covered Call strategy

   – Explanation: In this strategy, an investor who owns Bitcoin (underlying asset) sells a call option on their Bitcoin holdings. This is done with the expectation that the Bitcoin's price will remain relatively stable or slightly increase.

   – Pros: Generates income through the premium received from selling the call option. Limits potential losses if the Bitcoin's price decreases.

   – Cons: Limits potential gains if the Bitcoin's price significantly increases. The premium received might not fully offset losses if the Bitcoin's price falls significantly.

Protective Put Strategy

   – Explanation: A protective put strategy involves buying a put option on Bitcoin (underlying asset) to act as insurance against a potential price decline. If the Bitcoin's price decreases, the gains from the put option can help offset the losses on the Bitcoin holdings.

   – Pros: Provides downside protection against price declines. Allows the investor to participate in potential upside gains.

   – Cons: Involves the cost of purchasing the put option, which can reduce potential profits if the Bitcoin's price remains stable or increases.

Bull Spread Strategy:

   – Explanation: A bull spread involves buying a call option with a lower strike price and simultaneously selling a call option with a higher strike price. This strategy is used when a trader expects moderate upward price movement in Bitcoin.

   – Pros: Limits potential losses while allowing for potential gains if the Bitcoin's price increases. Lower upfront cost compared to outright buying a call option.

   – Cons: Potential gains are capped, especially if the Bitcoin's price rises significantly.

Bear Spread Strategy:

   – Explanation: A bear spread involves buying a put option with a higher strike price and selling a put option with a lower strike price. This strategy is used when a trader expects moderate downward price movement in Bitcoin.

   – Pros: Limits potential losses while allowing for potential gains if the Bitcoin's price decreases. Lower upfront cost compared to outright buying a put option.

   – Cons: Potential gains are capped, especially if the Bitcoin's price decreases significantly.

Straddle/Strangle Strategy:

  • Explanation: These strategies involve buying both call and put options (straddle) or call and put options with different strike prices (strangle). Traders use these strategies when they expect significant price volatility but are uncertain about the direction.
  • Pros: Can profit from significant price movements regardless of direction. Provides a hedge against volatility.
  • Cons: Requires a larger upfront investment due to purchasing multiple options. If price doesn't move significantly, both options may expire worthless.

It's important to note that each strategy has its own risk-reward profile and is suitable for different market conditions. Traders should carefully assess their market outlook, risk tolerance, and investment goals before implementing any options trading strategy. Additionally, options trading involves complexities, and it's recommended to thoroughly understand the mechanics of each strategy and consider practicing with virtual or paper trading before using real capital.

Practical Steps to Get Started with Bitcoin Options Trading

Getting started with Bitcoin options trading requires careful preparation and understanding of the market. Here are practical steps to help you begin:

Research and education:

  •   Understand Bitcoin: Gain a solid understanding of Bitcoin's price trends, market behavior, and factors that influence its value.
  •  Learn Options trading: Educate yourself on the basics of options trading, including concepts like strike price, expiration date, call options, put options, and different trading strategies.

Choose a trading platform:

  • Security: Opt for platforms with robust security measures, such as two-factor authentication (2FA) and cold storage for funds.
  • Fees: Compare trading fees, including transaction fees, withdrawal fees, and any additional charges.
  • User experience: Select a platform that offers an intuitive interface, ease of use, and responsive customer support.

Account setup and verification

  • Sign up: Create an account on your chosen trading platform by providing the required information.
  • Verification: Complete the platform's verification process to comply with regulations and enhance account security.

Deposit funds

  Fiat or Crypto: Fund your trading account with either fiat currency (e.g., USD, EUR) or crypto (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum).

Practice with a demo Account

   – Some platforms offer demo accounts where you can practice trading with virtual funds. This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the platform's features and test different strategies without risking real money.

Develop a trading plan

   – Define your trading objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

   – Choose the trading strategies that align with your goals and risk profile.

Risk Management Strategies:

  •  Position sizing: Only invest a portion of your capital in options trading to avoid significant losses.
  •  Stop-Loss orders: Implement stop-loss orders to automatically exit a trade if the price moves against your position.
  •   Diversification: Spread your investments across different assets and strategies to minimise risk concentration.

Start with small positions:

 Begin with small trade sizes to gain experience and build confidence in your trading skills.

Stay informed

   Keep up with market news, trends, and events that could impact the Bitcoin market.

Continuous learning and adaptation

 Options trading is dynamic, so be prepared to adapt your strategies based on changing market conditions.

Review and Adjust

Regularly review your trading performance and adjust your strategies if needed.

Remember that options trading carries inherent risks, and there's no guaranteed way to make profits. It's crucial to approach Bitcoin options trading with a disciplined and informed mindset. Consider seeking advice from experienced traders or financial professionals and start with caution, especially if you're new to trading.


Bitcoin options trading offers a unique and versatile way to engage with the crypto market. It provides opportunities for hedging, speculation, income generation, and strategic portfolio management. However, it's essential to weigh the potential benefits against the inherent risks and complexities associated with options trading.

Remember that all trading involves risks, and it's possible to incur losses. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. Bitcoin options trading is a dynamic field that requires ongoing dedication and learning. By starting small and gradually expanding your involvement, you can gain valuable experience and insights while navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by this exciting market.

Bitcoin Options FAQ

What are Bitcoin options?

Bitcoin options are financial derivatives that grant the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell Bitcoin at a predetermined price within a set timeframe.

How do Bitcoin call options work?

A Bitcoin call option provides the holder the right (but not the obligation) to purchase Bitcoin at a set price (strike price) before a certain date (expiration date). If the market price surpasses the strike price before or on the expiration date, the holder can profit by buying Bitcoin at the lower strike price.

How can I hedge my Bitcoin investment using options?

To hedge a Bitcoin investment using options, one common strategy is to purchase a put option. This grants you the right to sell Bitcoin at a predetermined price, protecting you against potential drops in market value.

What are the risks of trading Bitcoin options?

Trading Bitcoin options involves various risks, including the potential loss of the entire premium paid for the option, market volatility, the lack of liquidity, counterparty risk, and unforeseen market events affecting Bitcoin's price. It's essential for traders to understand these risks and to trade responsibly.

How do I choose the right Bitcoin options trading platform?

Choosing the right Bitcoin options trading platform involves considering factors like security, user experience, fees, supported trading pairs, regulatory compliance, and customer support. Always conduct thorough research, read user reviews, and perhaps start with a small investment to test the platform.

How do I calculate the price of a Bitcoin option?

The price of a Bitcoin option, known as its premium, is influenced by several factors including the underlying Bitcoin price, the strike price, time until expiration, implied volatility, and market interest rates. Mathematical models, like the Black-Scholes model, are often used to estimate option prices, but actual market prices might vary.

How do I trade Bitcoin options profitably?

Trading Bitcoin options profitably requires a combination of market research, a well-thought-out trading plan, risk management, and a deep understanding of the options market. Monitoring market trends, understanding intrinsic and extrinsic value, and diversifying your strategies can also increase chances of profitability.

What are the tax implications of trading Bitcoin options?

The tax implications of trading Bitcoin options can vary by jurisdiction. Typically, any profits or losses from trading Bitcoin options are considered capital gains or losses and must be reported on your annual tax return. It's essential to keep detailed records of all transactions and consult with a tax professional familiar with crypto regulations in your region.

Where can I learn more about Bitcoin options trading?

You can learn more about Bitcoin options trading from reputable crypto news websites, financial institutions offering crypto services, online courses, forums, and trading communities. It's also beneficial to read books on options trading and attend webinars or workshops tailored to crypto options.

What is the difference between a Bitcoin call option and a Bitcoin put option?

A Bitcoin call option gives the holder the right (but not the obligation) to buy Bitcoin at a specific price, while a Bitcoin put option grants the holder the right (without obligation) to sell Bitcoin at a predetermined price. Essentially, you'd buy a call if you expect prices to rise and a put if you anticipate a decline.

What is the strike price of a Bitcoin option?

The strike price of a Bitcoin option is the predetermined price at which the holder can buy (for call options) or sell (for put options) Bitcoin when exercising the option. The difference between the current market price and the strike price determines the option's intrinsic value.

What is the expiration date of a Bitcoin option?

The expiration date of a Bitcoin option signifies the last day the option can be exercised. After this date, the option becomes worthless if not exercised. Options contracts have varying timeframes, from daily to monthly or even longer terms, and the expiration date is a crucial factor in an option's value.

How much does it cost to trade Bitcoin options?

The cost to trade Bitcoin options depends on several factors, including the option's premium (price), trading fees set by the platform, and any additional transaction fees. The premium is influenced by factors like Bitcoin's current price, strike price, expiration date, and implied volatility. It's essential to review the fee structure of the trading platform you choose.

What are the different types of Bitcoin options trading strategies?

There are various Bitcoin options trading strategies, such as covered calls, protective puts, straddles, spreads, and iron condors, to name a few. Each strategy has its own risk and reward profile, and the best strategy for a trader depends on their market outlook, risk tolerance, and investment goals.


  • Zarihoun Traore

    Hello, I'm Zarihoun Traore, the founder and driving force behind Cryptostec. With over nine years of experience in the crypto, financial, and payment sectors, I have dedicated my career to understanding and navigating these dynamic industries. My journey has taken me through a variety of roles and projects, from SaaS and Fintech startups to casino brands, each contributing to the depth of knowledge I share with you today.My JourneyI have had the privilege of presenting at prominent events like CryptoFinance and attending numerous key conferences such as Websummit, Paris Blockchain Week, and iFX EXPO. These experiences have been invaluable, allowing me to engage with industry leaders, stay ahead of emerging trends, and bring back insights that shape the content you find on Cryptostec.

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