Veritaseum (VERI)
Veritaseum (VERI) is a platform which enables software-driven peer to peer capital markets work without having to rely on intermediaries. VERI is not an investment platform or a company that is selling currencies or security.Instead, they are selling unique intelligent widgets that can be programmed to do your betting and eliminate intermediaries.
The platform sells certain tools and software. The Veritas are tokens that you can use to feed an autonomous and analyst robots, which are meant to evaluate and analyze property prices, charts, prediction markets, cryptocurrencies, assets, profit flows, etc. According to Middleton, they have hired three data analysts who will perform extensive research and information gathering about the markets to provide comprehensive reports.
The users can also give their Veritas directly to the analysts to get reports about a particular currency. Reports like whether the currency’s price is going up or down or will the price of Ripple will be better than Ethereum.
Veritaseum dApp
Veritaseum also has a decentralized application (dApp) where you no longer need the stock brokers and banks to hold your money or assets. The dApp allows you to store your shares offline and trade it 24/7 like a digital coin. Just, put the dApp as an app that allows you to perform everything from stocks similar to the activities you can do with crypto.
There is a good number of crypto enthusiasts who are asking how is it possible for the price to go up, Middleton explained that Veritaseum is a platform software, as more people get involved in it, the value of Veritas will increase as well.
The project has collected 36 thousands of Ethereum (ETH), which is equivalently around 9 million when converted to USD value. One of the reasons, they have collected a huge amount during their Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is with the help of Middleton’s image. VERI’s founder is not only the founder of this platform but also runs a successful finance and technology blog.
According to VERI’s founder, Reggie Middleton, he and his team are targeting to solve problems like high transaction cost of capital and overcompensation. There are 100 million tokens exist, 51% is distributed and the remaining 49% is held by the VERI’s team of developers.
VERI’s team
There are 4 team members of the Veritaseum platform. They have an active social presence in various social medias. Among the 4 developers that are listed as workers in VERI, only Middleton and Patryk have displayed VERI as their workplace on their LinkedIn profiles.