Revain (R)
Fake review new are common in the review industry. The industry needs to change the way it works and Revain is giving people that much needed change. Revain (R) is a new generation trustless feedback platform based on the blockchain technology. The company aims to reinvent the feedback industry and make sure it doesn’t allow anyone to change or delete a review. The change starts with the review system that ensures that only legitimate reviewers are posting legitimate reviews.
How does Revain work?
Revian creates an economic model using the blockchain technology. This allows users to stay highly motivated. With the platform being a new generation feedback platform build on the blockchain technology, the platform makes sure that reviewers receive an award for creating a review. Reviewers are motivated by their RVN token. However, there is also a second token called “R”. The entire Revain ecosystem is built on the ETH platform and the tokens have a nonlinear conversion mechanism. When the ® token is used during the revain crowdsale, the RVN is used as a stable currency within the platform.
Revain use cases
Authentic feedback
Revain creates automatic AI review filtration system. The KYC gives individual and companies the confidence they need in getting authentic feedback from the public.
Internet of things
With the development of a machine-to-machine relationship, the world needs authentic human based opinion to keep it going. It also needs the wisdom of the crowd. Revain will help in creating and providing one since there is none.
Market research
The problem of review market receiving fake reviews and rating manipulation makes things even worse. Revain provides a solution, but not allowing anyone to delete and post fake reviews.
Social regulation
Review help in regulating the market. Companies with a bad rating and reviews get fewer customers. They need to improve their services or products to get more customers. R help companies with good reviews that help them gain popularity.
R features
It is using its features to make the platform better and accessible. Some of the features include:
anyone can check the transaction and reviews on the platform.
Quality feedback
companies can improve their business process by getting real feedback from their consumers.
Automatic filtration
Revain uses learning and neural network for detecting unwarranted texts.
Unbiased system
The system use DAO and smart-contracts to defend it from fake reviews.
Artificial intelligence
Revian uses hi-tech IBM AI systems.
The platform is led by Rinat Arslanov as the CEO and Maksim Voronin the CTO and Tech lead among other team members.