Givv (GIV)
Many companies nowadays are generating PCs. The number of PCs in the world keeps increasing every single day. According to statistics by Givv, there are about 1.5 billion PCs in the world today and the number is expected to increase in the near future. Unfortunately, there is a vast untapped resource of the PCs idle time. Givv is a blockchain based platform that aims at tapping into the resource of the idle time in the PCS world and allow individuals to support charities, creators and artists they believe in at no cost.
The Givv ecosystem players
For the ecosystem to be complete and offer users with the much-needed benefits, it has four components or players. The players are;
- Givvers: Givvers are those who earn money through the processing power of their idle computer. They can generate large sums of the power that make a tangible difference to a real-world cause and deserving individuals.
- Causes: Artist, charities, and creators motivate people to join the platform and enjoy the fruit of their support, cause earn about $7000 per month for 1000 followers that they motivate to join Givv. If you can motivate 1 million followers, then you are guaranteed to earn $70, 000.
- The market: the Givv market can be used by causes to sell their Givvs token at any exchange or even converting them to other cryptocurrencies of their choice
- Open to all: all members of the public can buy the GIV tokens and use them to purchase computational resources that can be used to mine any of the hosted DApps. No hardware is needed.
Give plans to further the development of the platform in different ways. According to the roadmap on the official website. The Givv plans are as follows:
Q1 2018
- Website goes live
- Onboarding of NGOs, charities, and YouTubers Blockchain development of contracts, infrastructure, and tokens
- Community channels activated on Reddit and telegram
Q2 2018
- Public coin sale
- Godthab release
- Limited engagement beta program
Q3 2018
- Stake pool will be open to the public
- Mobile app release
- Givv platform 1.0 will be up and running
- Causes registry opens.
Q$ 2018
- Causes can add content and communicate with Givvers
- Enabling of temporary causes for major events
Givv also has major development projects they would like to achieve in the year 2019. Led by Haim Vanunu, founder and CTO, they want to have the full Givv ecosystem up and running by the end of 2019.