ExHasta (EXH)
ExHasta (EXH) is a blockchain based platform that funds the development of a new moonshot project and auction, sell and distribute the intellectual property produced. EXH aims to provide a decentralized innovation. The Moonshot projects are high-impact, high-risk projects aimed at changing the world using the breakthrough technology. For example, when somebody talks about colonizing Mars that is considered as a moonshot project. Another project that is an example of moonshot projects is the Elon Musk's Hyperloop. ExHasta also aims to create a blockchain-based ecosystem.
How does the ExHasta work?
ExHasta works in two parts which are the ExHasta catalyst and the meridian.
The catalyst
The ExHasta catalyst is the program led by the international collective function that develops the Moonshot technology intellectual property. The Catalyst also distributes the developed IP to a worldwide network of innovators at low cost. All IP developed are released for sale in three phases. Disruptors and innovators will be able to use their EXH token to buy specific elements for use or to buy Moonshot projects. Example of the ExHasta Catalyst concepts are:
- The project Mercury,
- Project Oceanus
- Project Aggaros.
The Meridian
The ExHasta Meridian is an innovator summit that is led by function(core) to create a powerful network of disruptors and to train top talents. Innovators can use the EXH token to submit their portfolio. Innovators are ranked and reviewed through different blind and public stages, but the ExHasta users. Reviewers are rewarded with EXH token.
The EXH token sale
The ExHasta crowdsale begins on October 27th and runs until November 24. A presale took place on October 10 to October 26, 2017. ExHasta token (EXH) price is equivalent to $1 USD. EXH Token can be purchased and used on moonshot project intellectual property of ExHasta catalyst. Token holders can also apply to attend EXH Meridian and access content, forums, and digital libraries.
The ExHasta team
EXH was created by the Function(Core) Company. The company is known as a Transdisciplinary and international collective company that consists of musicians, entrepreneurs, actors, physicist, futurists, creative technologist, writers, scientist, engineers, architects, and chemists.
The company has previously served clients like Yale, NASA, BBC, and Google among others. It has its offices around the world, including cities like Dublin, Tokyo, Toronto, Barcelona, and Bangkok. Team member includes Elbura Sorkhabi, Dr. Jacopo Panerati, Cecilia Tham, Dr. Niamh Shaw and Carlos Manuel Entrena Utrilla among others. The EXH ecosystem will allow users to buy moonshot projects created by Function(Core).
Project is no longer live