Delphy (DPY)
Nowadays people are using prediction markets to generate a forecast. Similar to stock markets that serve to predict future estimated earnings, prediction markets are used to assign a value to a future belief. Delphy is an Ethereum based mobile platform for the predict markets. According to the official website of Delphy, they described the platform as a decentralized prediction market platform that uses a DApp. The platform ensures that prediction markets are hard to manipulate. It is also a social platform, or PaaS (Prediction as a Service). Users can trade directly in the prediction markets and take advantage of Delphy API and SDK to build their customized prediction market applications.
Delphy features
Delphy is built on the Ethereum blockchain as a DApp. The decentralized prediction platform distributes online storage and indexing services.
Smart contract
The platform takes advantage of smart contracts to create DPY tokens pricing, market making, events and markets and liquidity.
Delphy is not only a mobile app for prediction markets, but can also be used as a light Ethereum client running on any mobile device.
The user can create multiple prediction markets of the same event based on different sets of deposits, pricing strategies, oracle types, limits, loss, and dispute resolution mechanisms.
Event filtering:
Delphy event filter API features help prevent markets from being created out on unethical or illegal events like terrorist markets or assassination markets.
Delphy app is a social prediction app that features sharing, comments, P2P payments, P2P messaging and OTC. This feature is crucial for prediction markets since their participation is in a social behavior.
Delphy use cases
Insurance prediction
Delphy can be used to predict the probability of an insurance event and to provide specialized insurance products that are not covered by any other insurance like earthquakes, extreme natural; disasters, hurricanes, and others.
Sporty predictions
Sports enthusiast can use Delphy to predict the outcome of a sporting event. In this instance, it works as betting.
Financial prediction
Delphy can be used to predict the future outcome of securities markets in which case people who use it are buying things like contracts. The platform/app helps achieve more granular financial instruments that the already existing ones.
In-market prediction
Organization and corporation like Microsoft, HP, Intel, and Google can use Delphy to predict the outcome of internal events such as product sales, product launch dates, and issuance of new shares inside their organizations.
Other use cases include online games predictions, and current affairs prediction. The core team members include Bo Wang, Frank, and Bill among others.