Blackmoon Crypto (BMC)
The Blackmoon Crypto (BMC) is a cryptocurrency platform. It is part of the Blackmoon Financial group. The Blackmoon Financial Group is a financial technology company incorporated in Ireland. It has a solid track in the crypto industry since 2014. The main aim of Blackmoon is to bring investment transparency, decentralization and globalization to the next level. To begin with, implementing the blockchain technology with a commitment.
The Blackmoon combines ready-to-use technologies with deep expertise in structuring investments funds both through internally and externally investments teams. Working closely with lawyers, financial authorities and investment managers. Blackmoon wants to create a solid bridge between the classical investment world and the blockchain world by providing a legal and transparent compliant framework for tokenized funds operation and structuring. Another thing that Blackmoon Crypto wants to expands the boundaries of investment possibilities and to encourage other regulators to recognize blockchain.
Blackmoon value proposition
It addresses the main issues that crypto enthusiasts and other people face when it comes to current tokenized investment vehicles. Blackmoon Crypto bridges the gap between two worlds by using these key value propositions:
Funds’ legal structure reviewed and approved by its advisors to ensure they comply with existing laws and regulations. The platform has vetted the legally compliant structure of investment funds with several financial enabling funds to be transferred from and into the crypto world.
Scalable fund creation
Using the Blackmoon Crypto platform, investment managers will be able to set up and run a tokenized investment fund without the effort of creating necessary IT and legal infrastructure. The platform scalable fund creations allow for effectively eliminating the barriers for tokenized fund creation which is an important milestone.
Best of both worlds
BMC diversifies it income sources .To explain, it retains all the benefits that you get in the crypto universe. For example. It consist of transparency, cost efficiency, tradable and decentralization. The access to fiat investment opportunities provides unprecedented diversification in terms of income sources.
Blackmoon offers user much-needed transparency that substantially improves accountability of the investment managers. The transparency means the investment funds for investors, with reporting full of fine print.
Standardized platform
Not all tokenized funds have proper structure. BMC believes that it’s the right time to introduce industry standardize for setting up tokenized investment for institutional or individual investors of any kind.
Blackmoon Crypto Token
Blackmoon Crypto uses BMC token as the center of its trade. The token is nominated in USD. During the token sale, 30% of the proceeds from BMC distribution is reserved for guaranteed buyback. The platform stored reserve token in the diversified portfolio of major cryptocurrencies.