团队成员在数字货币方面也有一定经验。创始人周楚豪和Marco(马可)此前曾共同创办了比特币期权平台Alt-Options, Zack是基于以太坊的应用Etheropt 和 Etherdelta的创始人。项目咨询委员会成员包括基于以太坊的预测系统Augur团队的Joey Krug,和知名比特币场外交易平台Local Bitcoins前CTO Mikko Ohtamaa。
第一滴血想在这个126亿的大电竞行业里面架构出一个黏度很高的生态系统。 利用第一滴血的应用代币你不仅仅可以和你的游戏战友一起打电竞并且赚钱,还可以用来做见证人(running witness nodes) 或者作为陪审团的一员获取一定费用的分红做为工资 (voting in a jury)。最终你要有一个非常牛X的电竞团队开黑,还是创建自己的电竞联赛以及电竞战队。
通过使用以太坊区块链以及语言机 (Oracles),玩家的资金由去中心化的智能合约来处理和结算。系统还引入了去中心化的仲裁系统 (DAMN)以及陪审团(Jury Voting Pool)的概念,利用见证人当作去中心化的Proxy给智能合约的每笔交易(Transaction)提供游戏官方比赛数据让陪审团(JVP)来仲裁在这个生态系统中的作弊者。
*团队成员与代币用途涵盖内容由巴比特资讯转载,原文作者 “萌大大”
Hello, I'm Zarihoun Traore, the founder and driving force behind Cryptostec. With over nine years of experience in the crypto, financial, and payment sectors, I have dedicated my career to understanding and navigating these dynamic industries. My journey has taken me through a variety of roles and projects, from SaaS and Fintech startups to casino brands, each contributing to the depth of knowledge I share with you today.My JourneyI have had the privilege of presenting at prominent events like CryptoFinance and attending numerous key conferences such as Websummit, Paris Blockchain Week, and iFX EXPO. These experiences have been invaluable, allowing me to engage with industry leaders, stay ahead of emerging trends, and bring back insights that shape the content you find on Cryptostec.
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